€ 2.30 (+IVA)

Haircare Treatments
Curling liquid for hair
OIL PERM Curling Liquid
• (0) natural or coarse hair;
• (1) treated or thin hair;
• (2) exploited and highlighted hair.
The consistency of the hedgehog obtained varies depending on the diameter of the curler used.
How to use: after fitting all the curlers, saturate well with the perm liquid, leave on for the necessary time, checking the state of the curl every 5 minutes. The use of the heat source decreases the exposure time. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water, pat dry and apply the fixing liquid, with application for about 15 minutes. Rinse with the curler attached, remove the curlers and wash with acidifying shampoo.
Packaging: 500 ml bottles.
FIXING Fixing Liquid
Universal fixing liquid for perm with exotic fruit essence. Suitable for fixing the ripple created by the perm.
Packaging: 500 ml bottle.
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