€ 3.00 (+IVA)

Hair Tone on Tone

Provides a natural wave that lasts. Ensures elasticity, briskly defined. Excellent sensitivity for the structure of the hair as well as highly reliable results thanks to the proven effectiveness of Technology Neutral: it acts in the range of natural pH.
Precious lipids begin to treat the hair during the process of undulation. The Self-Balancing System with patented protective film creates a wave uniform from root to tip while protecting those areas of the hair that most need it. Excellent color retention thanks to Maintain Color System. Precious lipids treat the hair already during the process of undulation. A proven self-balancing system with patented protective film makes waves uniform from root to tip. EVOLUTION has adapted to the treatment of damaged sections of the hair stressed/differently: it protects the hair right where it is
more stressed.
• Offered exclusively in 3 types for treated hair with color (1s, 2, 2s).
• Reduces the loss of color.
• Creates harmony between color and wave.
packaging: kit consists of: PERM LOTION and NEUTRALISER.
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